Improving Productivity in Manufacturing with Calibrations


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most engineers, technicians, and maintenance teams already know that calibrations are essential for ensuring the successful operation of their plant. Unfortunately, many plants are running lean and do not have the bandwidth to ensure calibration standards are being met.

But, ignoring calibration needs and schedules can be a costly mistake. Essentially, calibration is the process that ensures machines are performing at their optimal level, which helps to boost overall efficiency. Let’s take a look at how calibrations can help improve manufacturing plant productivity.

The Basics of Calibration

There are two types of calibrations—periodic and continuous. Periodic calibrations are done on an ongoing basis and involve testing instruments to check accuracy at regular intervals. Continuous calibrations are done in real-time using automated systems that monitor instrument performance and alert technicians when they need to be adjusted. 

Both types of calibrations help keep machines running optimally and minimize downtime due to malfunctions or errors.

How Calibrations Help with Productivity

Calibrations are an essential aspect of improving productivity in manufacturing plants. Through the accurate calibration of equipment and processes, businesses can ensure fewer manufacturing delays, conserve energy, reduce waste, improve safety for workers, and ensure better quality control.

Fewer Manufacturing Delays

When manufacturing plants are properly calibrated, it ensures that production processes run smoothly and with minimal interruptions. This means fewer delays due to malfunctions or operator errors, which helps to increase throughput and maximize efficiency.

Conserves Energy & Reduces Waster

Additionally, keeping machines running properly helps conserve energy and reduces waste, both of which have a positive environmental impact as well as economic benefits for manufacturing plant operators.

Improved Safety for Workers

Another major benefit of regular calibration is improved safety for workers in the plant environment. Accurate calibration of machines and tools reduces the risk of accidents and injuries caused by malfunctioning equipment or tools. Calibration helps in identifying and addressing potential hazards in equipment before they cause harm to the workers.

Better Quality Control

Calibrations also allow for better quality control since all machines will be operating according to standards set by the manufacturer or industry regulations. Regularly checking machines against these standards increases the chances that any potential problems will be identified before they cause serious damage or disruption to operations.

Improve Productivity for Your Manufacturing Plant

Calibrating your plant’s equipment on a regular basis is essential for ensuring optimal performance levels and boosting productivity while minimizing disruptions due to malfunctioning equipment or errors in operation. 

Regular calibrations also help with energy conservation, safety concerns, quality control measures, and more – all while helping to protect the environment and save money over time!

For maintenance techs, engineers, and plant managers alike, taking advantage of these benefits through regular calibrations should be an integral part of their operations plan in order to get maximum results from their production efforts.

If you are interested in learning more and figuring out what the right schedule is for your plant, reach out to us! You can call us at 800-844-8405, or you can fill out a contact form, and one of our automation experts will be in touch.  We’d also be happy to come on-site for a consultation.


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